Our Signature Flavors are one of the things that set up apart from other coffee caterers. We let you choose unique flavors that we have already created for us to serve at your wedding, corporate event, or conference. If you want a flavor that is not on our list then request it and we will customize the flavor uniquely for you. Most coffee caterers out there only use premade store bought flavored syrups and are therefore unable to make custom flavors for you, but not us. Every flavor that we offer, we create with our own custom recipe that blends extremely well with the Specialty Grade Coffee that we use.

Some of our Signature Flavors that we offer range anywhere from more common and popular, such as the Vanilla or the Lavender Honey all the way to the super unique, such as, the Tiramisu or the Bourbon Caramel. Our favorite has to be the Tiramisu, the PB&J, and the Big Red (which makes your latte taste like the cinnamon flavored Big Red Bubblegum)

Creating brand new flavored syrups sometimes takes a few hours, but often times takes weeks or even a full month, so that is why we only offer a brand-new custom flavor if given at the least a 30-day notice. Creating custom flavors is a fun process for us where we enter into the R&D phase, where we first research what it would possibly take to make this flavor, then we purchase the high-quality ingredients needed to experiment. Once we have the ingredients, we create a recipe using results from past syrups for what worked before. Then we begin the experiment process. Start with the initial recipe, then make a latte with that first syrup. If anything is off or we want to change an aspect of the syrup, then we do that by adding or subtracting certain parts of the recipe that we think would yield a good result. Next we brew it again, then we do the entire process all over again until we reach perfection.