Every year we serve at a huge 3 day conference in San Diego, CA. At this conference there is about 3,000 doctors and lawyers and we serve them all free coffee, so you could imagine that we are super busy. This service goes for 3 days and for about 10 hours each day, it’s exhausting, but also extremely fun. If you’ve never been to a lawyer and doctor conference before, then let me tell you about it.

Each day there are break out rooms with several different speakers in separate rooms giving speeches about the industry. During these times, we typically have a slower demand for drinks, but it is just slower. This means that the ordering doesn’t stop the entire time. Once the breakout rooms have completed their speeches then we are once again slammed with lawyers and doctors that want coffee. This happens each day all day. The reason they need coffee so badly each day is because they stay up late each night drinking alcohol and networking, so when they come to the conference, early in the morning, they want and need coffee to stay up and do it all over again the next night. Because this conference is 3 nights, we do have to get a hotel and stay down there for those nights which makes setup the following mornings much easier.

At this conference, we bring our full espresso bar with us and brewed coffee. We bring our homemade Chocolate/ Mocha Sauce and our homemade Caramel Sauce as flavors. Apart from that, we carry all of our normal/ typical drinks, such as, our Latte, Cappuccino, Americano, Macchiato, Flat White, Gibraltar, Espresso, Hot Coffee and Cold Brew and we serve all of these options in both hot or iced options. This is one of our favorite events that we get the honor of serving at. TBI knows how to take care of their attendees with free delicious Specialty Coffee all day everyday.