We love our friendships in the coffee industry, they are who helped us become who we are today. Today we just wanted to highlight a friend out of Santa Ana and San Juan Capistrano, a coffee roasting company named Hidden House Coffee Roasters.

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Hidden House has been helping shape Specialty Coffee to what it is today because they don’t see other coffee companies as competition, but rather, as friends and because of that Hidden House Coffee has helped Rugged Coffee get off the ground. In the very beginning of our birth, we were spending plenty of time at Hidden House Coffee tasting coffee and asking them questions, then they loaned us their espresso machine for a couple of months and helped us get events. Since then, they’ve loaned us space to hold private tastings with our clients and sold us essential equipment. These folks are real quality people.

Hidden House Coffee started in San Juan Capistrano and has moved up to Downtown Santa Ana to open their second location/roasting space. Their space in San Juan is so cute as they operate out of a house that has been renovated to a coffee shop right next to the train tracks. The space provides a spot that the locals like to gather at as a foundational hub.

Their Santa Ana location is in the beautiful and artsy part of downtown Santa Ana with it’s gorgeous artsy brick walls and huge cafe space. This is a must visit spot as this doubles as their roasting facility, bakery, and cafe. Their outdoor seating space is huge, enclosed, and has plenty of natural shade from their large trees.

This is and will always be one of our favorite coffees to use on our cart and if you would like to make sure we use this coffee at your wedding, then let us know and we will make that happen. If you would like to buy Hidden House coffee beans online, visit www.HiddenHouseCoffee.com and get free shipping on all your orders of $75 or more.